Monday, October 27, 2008
I realised i nvr update for super long le XD
But at least I am back =D
I watched HSM 1 dance-along, HSM 2 dance-along, HSM the concert todae XD
Bixia watchin HSM 3 n I stayin at hme watch XD
But maybe goin to watch on wed n thurs =D
Oh... Todae got lotz of shows I wan watch T.T I wan watch Twitch Too...
But got the 8pm show... I wan see how Lee MingShun and Quan YiFeng scold ppl XD
Oh... I realised I have been listening to Ashley Tisdale voice for more than 4 hours le XD
Still got her squeaky voice in Phineas n Ferb XD Like when u squeeze duck XD
I hve ntg to blog abt HAHA XD
Training camp is wishlist for sec1s???? XD Super funny XD
Maybe different batch of seniors will spread diff msg to their juniors ba XD
Our seniors threaten us wif training camp but now sec1s put it as wishlist... super cute XD
But is quite true that training camp is fun ba? If it is raining XD
I wan go eat le!!!
Ciao <3
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Now is 12am le =D.... Tomato dae arrives XD
I shall make a tomato dish on thursade???... MUAHAHAHAHAh... then "todae" I shall eat tomato items XD
I m super sorry for the belated bdae!!! I shall enjoy on thursdae =D AHAHHAHA XD
*Happy Birthday - NewS plays XD*
Then Hana-Kimi SP is goin to be this mth =D... I shall watch hana-kimi on thursdae too!!!!
Above are the HAPPY BIR---... HAPPY THINGS... Now are the sad tings T.T
I still left 2 papers T.T
But I shall celebrate on Wednesdae wif Sushi =D.... Shiru's Junior might treat us XD.. HAHAHA
Kays... jiayou tmr!!! I m still up is coz i slept alot in the afternoon... so i hve a reason =D BB